Born by:
7Divine All Wise Allah
Exodus- A departure, usually of a large number of people going out.
The Exodus
"He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge subscribes the circumference of your activity" The honorable minister Louis Farrakhan. The original people here in this " Poor part of the planet Earth," must make our mental Exodus ( or departure) in order for us to become balanced. Our mental (mind) id in bondage just as the so called children of Israel were placed under bondage by so called Egyptians ( who seeked to destroy dons born to Hebrew women) in he second book of the Holy Bible.
Our Exodus must start with the proper food (mentally) cee 1/36 10th degree- 16th degree, food is from the tree of life which is truth ( 7th degree jewels). When U-N-I were fed the wrong food[s] mentally we were made other than our true self. As a youth I was taught in Cleveland public school that African people had no history! I was taught Christopher Columbus discovered America only to read in the same book the Indians were here before Columbus along with the Moors! But if I was to pass this test I should mark yes Columbus discovered America.
Fear was planted in our hearts as little boys/girls. That fear produced a diet that was uncivilized both mentally & physically being told you have no history, culture ect. As a youth will bring about a very low vibration of life! T.V. also promotes you & your people ( Latin, Indian, Arab, Chinese, Ect) in a mannor that i also uncivilized. Without the proper mental food[s] one will be mentally unfit for various exercises. One must have a clear state of mind in order to build on righteous endeavors.
All this with the improper physical food[s] is sure to have you other than your own self. We are so used to so-called soul food ( slave food) we think its our best option & often defend our sausage eating habits! Food[s] we should not entertain is pork, Greens ( collards, mustard's, turnip, kale, swish chard) they are weeds! Also black eye peas, yams lima beans, pinto beans. They are labled soul food but are really slave food which lack nutritional value there are many books to prove that. Also soy all soy is Now Cipher (N.O.), splenda, sweet & low now cipher. B-U-T somehow we enjoy this slave cuisine! We must make our Exodus out of his life style of destruction!
Mentally for he/she who knowledge's self as God/Earth this Exodus is layed out in Allah's Truth (120) cee Math 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree - 1st degree 1-40, 16th, 17th, 18th 1-40, 5th 1-14, 7th 1-14 ect. This is the prescribed food mentally for U-N-I building on the first 3 degrees of the math gives you the proper meal to sustain self throughout the day. Cee the letter A, E, M, Q, K, S ect in the Alphabet for desert. Once we remove the blind fold & really start to digg for the truth of our culture no longer can one feed you the wrong food mentally.
No longer can a crafted man/woman tell you you are Afro-American, he is Mexican, she is Cuban & yau'll have nothing in common! All the above are Asiatic men & woman ( cee the science of the flag). No longer shall you look for mystery God to bring you food, no longer shall you think rain, hail, snow, & earthquakes are caused by a mystery God in the sky! Study the teachings of the honorable Marcus Garvey, the Moorish Science Temple of America, Ancient Africa i.e Egypt, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Timbuktu, Songhal, ect., Ancdient Arabia, India make you Exodus.
Understand the timeline of the Bible in the Old Testiment where the city of Thebes is identified as No- No-Amon, city of Amon an original men understand Kush (Cush) is Ethiopia our land. Make you Exodus Brothers & Sisters. We've made our knowledge born. We represent a Divine Culture & life style. Our Exodus was made 1964 when Father Allah removed the blind fold from the struggling youth in Mecca. Our Mecca is Harlem the root of civilization is Allah's youth center at 2122 7th ave! We made our Exodus out of blind worshiping, believing in that which we know not of, eating poisonous animals, allowing the grafted to define us & where we come from a long with a host of other things " not mentioned in the lesson" Brothers & sisters it's time to make your Exodus.
Peace 7Divine All Wise Allah