Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Peace for the blog,
The correct answer to the 13th degree in the actual facts(there are 12,478,118,400,000 inches on th planet earth).
Squared measures:6.45 centimeters 2=1 square inch(
144 square inches=1 square foot
9 square feet = 1 square yard
301/4 (30.25)square yards = 1 square rod
160 square rods =1 square acre
640 square acres=1 square mile
There are:1,296 square inches in a square foot
There are:39,204 square inches in a square yard
There are:6,272,640 square inches in a square rod
There are:4,014,489,600 square inches in a square mile
144 square inches by 9 square feet = 1,296 square inches
1,296 square inches by 301/4 (30.25) square yards =39,204 square inches
39,204 square inches by 160 square rods =6,272,640 square inches
6,282,640 square inches by 640 square arces = 4,014,489,600 square inches
4,014,489,600 square inches by 196,940,000 sq.miles(total square 
mileage of the planet earth)= 790,613,518,824,000,000(total square inches of the planet earth).
Why then has the knowledge understanding degree been so wrongfully stated for all of these years?Foe years,the degree has been (not necessarily) misspoken as being:"there are 12,478,618,400,000 INCHES on he planet earth".It is requisite,that U.N.I well recognize that this beautiful degree is again,another "...training unit..." (14:1-14).The problem has truly been one whereas many have taken this degree on face value,which shows & proves that those who argue his degree without going under its study,have absolutely no grounds to advance to said lesson:Solar Facts.If one cannot properly square off all forms of unrighteousness on this planet(earth),how can one undergo the solar system,& further to the universe.

Unfortunately,many have head-nodded in agreement with multiplying square miles by linear inches.

(196,940,000 square miles by 63,360 linear inches,which renders the misappropriate total of:12,478,118,400,00 linear inches).

This can by no means be computed,because we ate dealing with two opposite formulas for measuring-linear & square.as your local carpenter-smile-.
.Linear: involves measurements in one dimension only;relating to a straight line.
.Square:describes a area in which the specific unit refers to the length of Each side of a square whose surface area constitutes the measurement.

In the understanding degree in the (1-14) it states "...& knowing every square inch,he has chosen for himself the best part...").Square deals with area & at all times "SQUARE"----never linear.

Hence,the solution is:
There are 790-quadrillion,613 teillion,581 billion,842 million square inches on the planet earth.
The knowledge of this said degree was manifested to me -SQUARE REFINEMENT 7 ALLAH-by the wisdom of many great GODS AND EARTHS.However,after serious study,the understanding was revealed by ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH himself.ALL PRAISES DUE TO FATHER ALLAH
Masterfully ALLAH Rules 15,095
Given by Professor Born Supreme P.H.D 7 Allah.
BISMILLAH The Atom Of LifeThe first life began as a simgle atom.It made movements that formed the basis of mathematics.1,6 & 0 were involved as it continued rotating & building itself up in space.The power,direction & purpose of life came from within it took,we do not know,but what eventua emerged from that which was built up from that first atom was the Blackman.We do not know how long it took for him to create himself,for he had not yet laid the base for counting time as we have it today.That was to come later,after his creation of the sun.It took a certain amount of time for him to not only produce braims,but for those brains to become mature enough to experience consciousness.We've learned that this first man experienced pain.Exacty what kind,I do not know,due to the process of his own creative act of hiself.The meaning of self is huge..Note:that all creativity involves pain or atleast great discomfort,& the higher the wisdom,the morw valuable the goal we seek,the greater is the suffering involved.His self-creation is the root of the statement "everything of good has trouble in its imfancy".He created himelf with needs.He desired two things-comfort & company.He desired change from pain to ease & from discomfort to comfort;change within hiself.He also desired another being like,himself.He was confronted with a set of algorithms(problems).The first of which originated within hiself.The other set of problems were external,for beyond himself was nothing,but blackness pitch & nothingness.So assidiously he went & arduously he worked to change things,both within & outside of himself.The first one,certainly,through the power of his mind.He studied.What did he study?He studied himself.For there was nothing else for him to engage & study.What movated his study?Desire movated his study.Desire movated his study for what?Change for the better.The first study ever conducted was theological.How could it be anything else??...why??...BECAUSE HE WAS GOD.So the study of himself was theological.This was & is the source of all stidies.Hethroughly studied himself to a supreme effort to satify his desire,which could resolve both sets of problems just mentioned.Through this process of study,he generated an image of a woman-his second self.He conceptualized,designed & determimed the structure & function of woman.She was the resolution of the problem of discomfort & she was the resoution to the problem of his discomfort; & she was the means by which other beings would come into existence.This is the root of the pair principle mentioned throughout the Holy Qu'ran.His study was motivated by the highest kind of self-love.She was he.She could not help but love him,for it was from love that he created her.The process by which he created her was characterized or permeated by This process which was generated by his love.That love was the basis of the natural & heavenly state between them that has been passed down from trillions of years.First,he was aware of his state after his own self-creation,then he was wise enough to study to improve his state.Through his intense & through study,he generated an increase of self-knowledge.Then came,the exersice of further wisdom tp determine the process by which he could create her. PEACE

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What is the duty of a civilized person?The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage civilization,righteousness,the knowledge of himself & the science of everything in life love,peace & happiness.

Are we headed down the path that allows us to be taught these simple principles?If were not then we cant be taught & we will always be stuck on things that are not,civilized!

7 Characteristics of a Wise Man

                     7 Characteristics of a wise man

1.)A wise an will always knowledge his atmospere.

2.)A wise man will always let his counterpart cast wisdom first & after all has been said,he will begin to manifest wisdom.

3.)A wise man is patient & will not tolerate any insufficent understanding

4.)A wise man will always carry himself in a unique way.

5.)A wise man has culture & refinement about himself.

6.)A wise man will never protray the actions of a savage regaurdless to whom or what.

7.)You can always distinguish a wise man from a fool because you are GOD.               

7 codes of conduct

7 Codes of conduct

1.)To carry thyselves intellegantly at all times.

2.)To live according to my way of life & natural way of life at all times.

3.)To hold peaceful intellegant conversations.

4.)To want for my brothers & sisters as i want for myself.

5.)To defend my natural way of life at all times.

6.) To stand with my brothers & sisters as a solid wall.

7.)To keep my word at all times regaurdless to whom or what.
What We Shall AchieveNational Consciousness-National Conscioisness is the consciousness of our origin in this world which is divine.As a nation of people we are the first in existence & all other peoples derived from us.National consciousnss is the awarness of the unique history & culture of black people & the unequaled contributions we have made to world civilization by being the fathers & mothers of civilization.National consciousness is the awarness that we are all one people regaurdless to our geographical origins & that we must work & struggle as one if we are to liberate ourselves from,the domination of outside forces & bring about a universal government of love,peace & happiness for all people of the plant.Community Control-Communty control on our educational,economic,political,media & health instutions on our community.Our demand for commity control,flows naturally out of our science of life,which teaches that we are,the,supreme being in person & sole controllers of our own destiny;thus we must have same control on the collective level that we strive to attain on individual level.It is prerequisite to our survival that we take control of the life sustaining goods & services that every community needs in order to maintain & advance itself & advance civilization.Only once we have complete community control will we be able to prove,to the world the geatness & majesty of our divine culture,Which is freedom.Pe -Peace is the absence of confusion(chaos) & the absence of confusion is order.Law & Order is the very foumdation upon which our science of life rest.Supreme Mathematics is the Law & Order of the universe,this is the science of islam,which is peace.Peace is supreme understanding between people for,the benfit of the whole.We will achieve Peace in ourselves,in oue communities,in our nation & in our world.This is our ultimate goal.If u can find these & send them to me,gykee mathematics ,the history of Medina @http://black7.org/archive.htpml.Freedom Allah aka Papa WU. http:/www.originalthoughtmag.com/mag/index.php?option=com content&task=view&id=120&Itemid=95RZA buildin'pt 1,2(atlantis build)http/www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7ohEYDbPowAlso,hit up allahteam.org, http://back7.org/ www.theblackgod.com www.ibiblio.org/nge/ www.originalthoughtmag.com http://www.originalthoughtmag.com/mag/index.php.?option=comcontent&task=view&id=120Itemid=95,november 14,2008Peace king-