Friday, December 30, 2011

Lesson from a new Born!

My selfs cipher began its travel to this plane of existence sometime during the culture month ( April) of 1980. That's when the father of my civilization would fat-her with the divine seed. The foundations of Arabia home of Mother Mecca where lies the richest & most fertile of all the soil, is where I-God found home. It was understood through my fathers understanding that he chose to build righteously for himself upon the best part of the planed Earth. It was then that Allah made his (19)  knowledge born that he may "8" (build) on to his cipher  (1980). As i previously stated that my travel to this realm of existence began during the culture month. Meaning that the original man after engaging in " Supreme Understanding" by way of his " wide-dome" laid forth the ream of the planet Earth. This act would set free the culture of I-God. It took I-God 9 rotations (months) within the earths cycle or the womb of the original woman in order to Born Equality ( to be). According to the understanding degree (3rd) of the student enrollment." What is the total population of the  original nation in the wilderness of North America & all over the planet Earth?  The total population of the original nation in the wilderness of North America is 17 mill with the 2mill Indians making it 19 mill all over the planet Earth there are 4 bill400mill." As I apply the mathematics it will able one the cee the fruit of this lesson. To examine one can cee how my father had to first knowledge himself which is held in reference to the 17 million original people. The #1 being knowledge & #7 being God or the original man. Says that one must first knowledge and/or educate himself before he can build and on or father a civilization. So as my father knowledged himself he was then able to "Build" adding on his positive energy by choosing to build righteously with the likes of his wisdom or original woman. This can be made in reference of the 2 million Indians, the #2 being Wisdom according to our mathematics, also the original woman. When you take & add these #'s together (17+2=19) to make "19" is to make your knowledge born which is our way of saying or another way of coming to an understanding. Understanding is also the original child, the best part the cream of the planet Earth. In short through my fathers understanding = ( I-God original child) he most " def" showed & proved in light of our culture, that the culture my continue to build, adding on positive energy to Allah's nation. This can be brought to light by way of the 4 billion400million original people upon the planet Earth for one must knowledge himself wisely in order that he properly & productively understands his culture, that he may free himself & his nation ( man woman child)  from the mental restraints that bind our people keeping us blind deaf & dumb. In doing so our culture can cee "self" free through around over & under (360) the way of this wilderness. Peace Allah! As I stated earlier that myselfs conception took place at a time during the culture month ( April) of 1980 which would make the manifestation of self born date during the knowledge month of 1981, Jan 21st to be right & exact. As you examine closes you'll find that a father's knowledge (1) was born (9) to build (8) or to elevate the mentality of self & others around self and add on positive energy to Allah's nation by destroying all negativity. Positive energy interns of adding more knowledge to (1) the cipher.
:Keep in mind that one must obtain knowledge before he/she can add knowledge with 
that said to add knowledge with knowledge is to be wide in your ways & actions
which in turn brings forth the precious fruit of understanding. Knowledge +
wisdom = understanding / sun+ moon= star/ original man + original women=
original child (1+2=3) 
As I part from this build leaving with you the sincere mathematics that unlocks the door to my selfs born date 1/21/81. Which reveals to us ( universal saviors) that we must knowledge ourselves at all cost. Always taking & making the proper steps of preparation that we as ( wise elevators) may show & prove to be all wise in our ways& actions by way of our supreme understanding. As we proceed living life with a clear mental comprehension, we can cee through the various clouds of lies & deceit in order to build righteously. That we may born a prosperous, free & civilized culture. 

                      Peace to all the God's & Earths as well as the stars of the future.

                                                      Peace #7Infinite Sincere Mathematics Allah
As people its difficult to accept when we are wrong & we express joy upon our moments of being right, yet when it comes to the intimacy of understanding we fear disappointment.

So speak your mind life is to be lived forward & understood backwards (hindsight) play the cards you are dealt to the best of you ability because at the dawn of it all its you who has to live with your decision to be yourself.

                                                                            Mr William E. Staten El
                                                                                 N.A.F.U. Allah

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Exodus

Born by: 7Divine All Wise Allah
Exodus- A departure, usually of a large number of people going out.
The Exodus

    "He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge subscribes the circumference of your activity" The honorable minister Louis Farrakhan. The original people here in this " Poor part of the planet Earth," must make our mental Exodus ( or departure) in order for us to become balanced. Our mental (mind) id in bondage just as the so called children of Israel were placed under bondage by so called Egyptians ( who seeked to destroy dons born to Hebrew women) in he second book of the Holy Bible. 
     Our Exodus must start with the proper food (mentally) cee 1/36 10th degree- 16th degree, food is from the tree of life which is truth ( 7th degree jewels). When U-N-I  were fed the wrong food[s] mentally we were made other than our true self.  As a youth I was taught in Cleveland public school that African people had no history! I was taught Christopher Columbus discovered America only to read in the same book the Indians were here before Columbus along with the Moors! But if I was to pass this test I should mark yes Columbus discovered America.
      Fear was planted in our hearts as little boys/girls. That fear produced a diet that was uncivilized both mentally & physically being told you have no history, culture ect.  As a youth will bring about a very low vibration of life! T.V. also promotes you & your people ( Latin, Indian, Arab, Chinese, Ect) in a mannor that i also uncivilized. Without the proper mental food[s]  one will be mentally unfit for various exercises. One must have a clear state of mind in order to build on righteous endeavors. 
       All this with the improper physical food[s] is sure to have you other than your own self. We are so used to so-called soul food ( slave food) we think its our best option & often defend our sausage eating habits!  Food[s] we should not entertain is pork, Greens ( collards, mustard's, turnip, kale, swish chard) they are weeds! Also black eye peas, yams lima beans, pinto beans. They are labled soul food but are really slave food which lack nutritional value there are many books to prove that. Also soy all soy is Now Cipher (N.O.), splenda, sweet & low now cipher. B-U-T somehow we enjoy this slave cuisine! We must make our Exodus out of his life style of destruction! 
       Mentally for he/she who knowledge's self as God/Earth this Exodus is layed out in Allah's Truth (120) cee Math 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree - 1st degree 1-40, 16th, 17th, 18th 1-40, 5th 1-14, 7th 1-14 ect. This is the prescribed food mentally for U-N-I building on the first 3 degrees of the math gives you the proper meal to sustain self throughout the day. Cee the letter A, E, M, Q, K, S ect in the Alphabet for desert. Once we remove the blind fold & really start to digg for the truth of our culture no longer can one feed you the wrong food mentally.
        No longer can a crafted man/woman tell you you are Afro-American, he is Mexican, she is Cuban & yau'll have nothing in common! All the above are Asiatic men & woman ( cee the science of the flag). No longer shall you look for  mystery God to bring you food, no longer shall you think rain, hail, snow, & earthquakes are caused by a mystery God in the sky! Study the teachings of the honorable Marcus Garvey, the Moorish Science Temple of America, Ancient Africa i.e Egypt, the Sudan, Ethiopia, Timbuktu, Songhal, ect., Ancdient Arabia, India make you Exodus.
          Understand the timeline of the Bible in the Old Testiment where the city of Thebes is identified as No- No-Amon, city of Amon an original men understand Kush (Cush) is Ethiopia our land. Make you Exodus Brothers & Sisters. We've made our knowledge born.  We represent a Divine Culture & life style. Our Exodus was made 1964 when Father Allah removed the blind fold  from the struggling youth in Mecca. Our Mecca is Harlem the root of civilization is Allah's youth center at 2122 7th ave! We made our Exodus out of blind worshiping, believing in that which we know not of, eating poisonous animals, allowing the grafted to define us & where we come from a long with a host of other things " not mentioned in the lesson" Brothers & sisters it's time to make your Exodus. 

Peace  7Divine All Wise Allah

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The God & Earth Relationship

Born by 7Divine All Wise Allah

           Doing the knowledge to the Black Commandments of Consciousness by James R. Flaherty. The 6th principle is "Develop & define the role of man & the role of woman"  Seeing as how the NGE deals equality & we define the role of man ( God) & woman (Earth) [ both being the original man/woman] & define they're roles in life (cee alphabet letters A,Q,R,M,E 14/1-14, 16, 17, 18 1-40, 2nd math, 1st & 7th in math). Lets build on the said topic.
       We teach that "Black People" are the Fathers & Mothers of civilizations. Father is the only one qualified to give life both mentally and physically.  Father is to " Fat-Her" with The Divine seed. So here the role of man ( God) is defined in a short form! He [God] (man) is to give life mentally 1st He [God] (man), has to shed his light for the purpose of advancing his womans mental 1st! Then...well we know the science to the physical ( smile).  The Original Woman is Wisdom; Wisdom is wise words being spoken or to speak knowledge. ( A wise-dome meaning a wise mind and act according to it.) Wisdom is water or the vital building block of  life. Wisdom is the Original Woman because thru her chipher (womb) life is continued... Here we see our womans role in short.
        She [woman] (Earth) is the reflexion of self. The wise-dome or wise mind & acting out one's true way of life wisdom [woman] (Earth) is water or the vital building block of life. Just as the Earth is 3/4 water the Original Woman is 3/4 dressed if she knowledges here state of being symbolic to the Earth! So as Man [God] and Women [Earth] come together the universe is shown & proven Man [God] represents Sun, Woman [Earth] is also Moon [ Wisdom]. Together He/She brings about a higher more glorious level of understanding which is to procreate & give birth to a child [ Star]. The universe isn't complete without the Sun (man) Moon ( woman) & Star ( child). So the role of man is to 1st shed light ( knowledge) on his wisdom ( woman, moon). In turn the woman  will receive this light and cultivate a righteous civilization of young men & women who can show & prove to be all wise & righteous in order to carry the title God & Earth.

                                                                                  Peace 7Divine All Wise Allah
    Understanding is that which sitows and proves the completion of knowledge and wisdom man, woman, child. Understanding is a clear mental comprehension it is the original child which is the star. The highest form of understanding is love the bond between man and woman or knowledge and wisdom. Understanding = star = original child.
   My manifestation of understanding:  A understanding is supreme.  You must have a understanding in order to live, learn and even love.  It is the insight  that comes from knowledge and wisdom within, going beyond your physical and seeing through you mental which is ones mind and third eye.

                                                                           Terry Bickerstaff 571-993

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wisdoms of N.A.F.U Allah

Pro: 22:3

        From the mind of a prudent man, today's manifestation encompasses the dynamics of  Born & how it's preference refers to us ( I Gods) manifesting from knowledge to Born & it being complete in itself. To be complete in oneself begins with knowing the 1st towards self discovery & starting the process of becoming an enlightened civilized individual by way of the refining process of ALLAH's mathematics, which are the developing principles or stages of self from a conscientous point of view.  Upon the completion of each stage we are Born anew into the reflection of one's knowledge accentuating a clear mental comprehension of what it means to be vigilant of One's culture.
        A new found freedom is discovered, awakening a laten power to refine ourselves so we may deal equally 1st with ourselves & then with all in existence as we become aware of what it means to Be Supreme Rulers of the Universe; Sun, Moon, & Stars!
         Realization then blankets us as we become more in-tune with the process of building the positive in-order to outweigh the negative while remaining attentive in elevating ALLAH's Nation. Its of the utmost importance to reflect knowledge, wisdom, & understanding in all we Born to be of our likeness!

                                                          NAFU ALLAH

My Manifestation on Understanding

       Understanding first of  all is something you have to have about self. If you don't understand yourself or what you stand for and what you live by, you will never get an understanding about nothing or nobody else.
          And  also, to understand anything your mind must first be clear and free. You cannot learn anything with cloudy mind. You must be able to knowledge self, wisdom your knowledge in order to help create and understanding for others.

                                                                     Anthony Caulton

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Born thru the mind of Divine All Wise Allah

  Responsibility is to be accountable; answerable, involving the ability or authority to act on one's own. While building with the God Nafu going over the duty of a civilized person (18/1-40) we realized the reality of ying & yang that was hidden in the said degree. Which is he/she who is requesting or demanding someone to be better at whatever it is that they do, He/She who had make this request must also themselves become better in order to balance the scale he/she has started to place weight on!
  The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself & the sscience of everything in life love, peace & happiness. So when we ask, Demand and or challenge our righteous brothers & sisters to live & manifest The 18 Degree (1-40) we must understand that same duty must already be instilled in us or we too are headed in that direction! For it would not be civilized to ask of people what you can not produce! Our "responsibility  is to examine self build self before we bring anything to anybody else. Its "each one teach one according to their own knowledge".
  One must have solid foundation 1st. Just as Father Allah taught the 1st born to be solid, respectable men 1st, then He ( Father Allah) with the help of justice developed the Supreme Mathematics & Alphabats. B-U-T they 1st had to knowledge self then took on the responsibility of passing the art to the next generation. Being right & exact when we ask, request, demand and or challenge our Brothers & Sisters to be better teachers, friends, sons, fathers, mothers, providers ect. He/She who's making this request has been through the proper channels. If one doesn't workout  B-U-T His/Her companion does on a ' Higher more glorious level' one can't expect His/Her companion to just jump into His/Her workout due to the fact they have yet to go through the proper channels! So his/her'responsibility' would be to start advanced workout. So when we build on the 18/1-40 remember 1+8=9 , Ask yourself what is being born here? Our duty is to teach he/she who is savage. Savage means one who has lost, LOST the knowledge of himself and is living a beast way of life. If a person has LOST A Thing they had to have had a thing at one point! They've lost they're civilization. Which is he/she who has Knowledge [1], Wisdom [2], Understanding [3], Culture [4] & Refinement [5] & IS NOT A SAVAGE in the pursuit of happiness.
   Do the math (5+4+3+2+1=15) 1+5= 6 (6= equality), which is to be equal in everything or a balance ying & yang! So the 18[1-40] (8+1=9) 9 is born on the completion of all in existence. We must understand as we ask our Brothers to live/die by the said Degree we must 1st "Born" our understanding, we must 1st experiment in our own high explosive before we ask another to ALWAYS remember all the above is caused by the Sun of Man... Peace to Man Woman & Child
                                                                           Divine All Wise Allah
                                                                                 1 Savior

One can 7 Divine All Wise Allah e-mail go to to set up your account or by mail Demale Rogers-Bey 462-269 T.C.I  P.O. box 901 leavittsburgh ohio 44430. Also at the same location citizens of the NGE 1 Savior Cipher
Nathan Herring 395-707 (7 Infinite Sincere Mathematics Allah)
William Statenel 388-499 (7 NAFU Allah)
Anthony Cauiton 573-792
Terry Bickerstaff 571-993
Du Juan Adams 395-935