Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Peace to the Nation

      Knowledge, wisdom all been born to understanding. Today knowledge was born thru the cipher. Wisdom and understanding filled the room. The power of knowledge gave me energy to speak the truth of all in existence. First you have to knowledge self by observing, learning and respecting yourself. Adding on positive energy to the original man, woman and child culture to be complete as a whole cipher. Original woman the reflection of original mans knowledge that bring forward there love and understanding and thru her cipher womb life is continued meaning us as the original people have to live are culture out by equality teaching the stars which is he future of our culture about the importance of building by making it understood thru ones understanding. Power is force or creative energy lets refine the power by perfecting the truth of Allah's mathematics. Peace to the original man woman and child.
                                                        Sincerely a Newborn

Love P.E.A.C.E Happiness

        Love peace happiness my brother; sisters of the nation may are powers bring forward the willing energy to help the blind see to bring  music to the deft ears. We are the Original people, we are the original people.

       Love peace happiness is the warm feeling you get from the sun light. Love peace happiness is the moon that light up the night sky which is the reflection of the sun light. Love peace happiness is the understanding of man and woman which is the stars of the night sky.

                                     1+1= wisdom  1+2= understanding
                                              Love peace happiness

     Love peace happiness is the man, woman who find the truth that deep within self. The original people culture is Islam. Love peace happiness to Allah nation.  P.E.A.C.E
                                                            De De  Newborn

(Nation Of God & Earths[One Savior Cipher]=Truth)

7 Divine All Wise Allah

From Homicide to Suicide To "Mentacide"
       Homicide as defined by websters, 1.) The killing of one person by another 2.) A person who kills another-Many of us see homicide as the physical taking of a life B-U-T one must look beyond the words in order to understand the essence of this lesson.  As defined homicide is the killing of one person by another. Why equality self (yes) This is right and exact "physically" B-U-T this does not give the mental aspect of the word which is the fruit of this lesson.  See the 8 degrees in the math build or destroy.  This is the balance of our universe the ying&yang for nothing is 100% positive or 100% negative either!
       Build is to elevate mentally of self and other around self to add on positive energy to Allah's nation, to destroy is to ruin by allowing negativity to out weigh the positive.  Here Build is (+) & Destroy is (-) [ying/yang] Destroy is a homicide so to say.  In order for one to perform a negative deed such as homicide (destroying) he/she must make the thought first!  For once the mind is poisoned the body and soul bears no chance!  Physically take a life one must be continued mentally to not care for life!!
        Surely one who values life won't take from another that which he/she values themselves!  So one must have consciously or sub-consciously allowed negativity to out weigh his positivity consciously by dealing in inequality and having lack of value for his/her physical and mental self.  Subconsciously by allowing our environment to define us not refine us.  "To Refine is to Perfect," to cultivate self (Build) in  order to raise as "The Cream of the Planet Earth".  if one doesn't till the ground he or she may not produce a fruitful harvest.
       We destroy or commit homicide by allowing our harsh environment to define us!  Let's not say "The Projects, Streets, Block, Trap etc..  Made you act in a uncivilized manor!  Lets start saying seeing those ills of life made us the Great men and women we are today(Lets remember homicide starts with a thought first). We have to change the "I'm from the slums attitude", that's a homicide( destroy way of mind).  One of my favorite "Poets"[rapper] Joe Budden on his mood of music 4 song 8, "If you keep your head down you might miss out on a Blessing".
       True indeed, Plus we elevate so our heads should be to the sky anyway!  Having our heads down is homicide [Destroy]  Mentally we are not a defeated people we must look up!!  In our social lives we also must understand homicide for if one is not helping you he/she is for sure hurting you rather you or them are conscious about it or not so who in your cipher is committing "homicide"?...

       Suicide as defined by websters, 1.) The act of and instance of intentionally killing ones self.  2.) One who commits suicide.-many of us see suicide as the intentional taking of ones life physically B-U-T one must look beyond the words in order to understand the essence of this lesson.  Suicide physically is the killing of ones self still its the mental that has pushed so many young brothers and sisters to commit this physical destruction to self. See the letter S in the supreme alphabet (Self or Savior), which means the black man's (or woman for the Wiz & Earths Reading this) Knowledge is what makes him the Savior of himself by borning or completing himself.  The only one that can save self is yourself.
       Mentally we all have committed "Suicide at some point in our lives".  This is the year of knowledge knowledge (11).  We have endless information at our fingertips via the world wide web!  Many of us rather look at internet porn, gossip on actors, ball players, ect. Not too many of us are allowing this world wide web to aid us mentally.  This my friends is "suicide".  A self inflected [mental] death blow.  The lessons teach us that "A Savage is one who has lost the knowledge of himself and is living a beast way of life.  If we lost something [The Knowledge Of Self] we first had to have had that which was lost!  In order to find a lost item you must start looking for that lost item right?  Mentally we must go back to see where we come from in order to know where we're going!  The Honorable Marcus Garvey once said, " A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.  We must research our history great authors who give actual facts of who we are: Noble Drew Ali, John Henry Clarke, Anthony T. Browder, C. Williams, J.A. Rogers, Indus Khamitkush, Ivan Van Sertima, C. Diop, N. Akbar, E Cleaver with a host of others.
       The knowledge is there all we have to do is apply self. For years our people were killed just for trying to educate self or even being thought of as being educated! Now its all around us and far too many of us pay no attention to it killing yourself (suicide) mentally rather you know it or not cause if you don't know your culture it's obvious your living someone else culture which is "suicide".  Also being a father/mother and knowingly have your child another man/woman dad/mom is parental suicide, knowing smoking will someday give you or lead to giving you an illness that will kill you is suicide, being in a social environment where you know (or not at times) your unwelcome is suicide, knowing you have a lot to work on within self but consciously ignore it is suicide the goes on.
       "A person  who knows not and believes that they know is dangerous avoid them".  ( Ancient Africian Proverb Know Thy Self By The "Goddess" MAAT).  This person will commit homicide both mentally/physically along with homicide Mentally/ Physically thainking you know that which you do not will kill you!  So who in your cipher is committing suicide?
       "Mentacide" [ as defined By I 7 Divine All Wise Allah] 1.) Is the mental combination of homicide and suicide for it can be done by self (see Suicide) 2.) When one allows the disruption of his mental by anything negative.  3.) To be off balance and care not to change your condition.  This is the 85% state of mind..."Slave Of Mental Death".  Which is the worst death! Because it is contagious this leads to genocide which is the systemic killing of a racial, political, or cultural group.  With that said is it not genocide in this nation? (mentally) Young boys (Big Boys too thought  to be grown thou) are wearing tight pants often times bought at female stores!  "Mentaicide" killing [homicide] the masculine [black] male image making our young impressionable youth think it's cool to wear girl pants/clothing (in most cases) is "Mentacide" Def #3.
       This is being done systematically to our culture [Genocide], touching young black, brown, yellow and red ( all of which are original people of this planet earth) that a mystery God exists and his son Jesus is white is mentacide which leads to [Genocide]!  For if one sees not his own kind as a divine, holy, good figure he/she regardless to age will reject his own people [fact] and try to be that which he isn't more importantly that which he can't be! Which is Mentacide (Def#3).  It is Genocide also on the grounds of this process which is obviously and notoriously systematic here in this "wilderness of North America" and this kills (both mentally/physically) our racial, political and or cultural group by us not being or wanting to be ourselves which is a right by law of nature written By Mother Nature herself! (The Original Woman)
       No lion wants to be a tiger and vice versa.  No Black bird looks to a green bird for a worm the black bird goes to gather food for self "Nuff Said"!  In order for us as a nation to move away from all three of these destructive ways of life we must reconnect with our true self!
       By researching facts on our history [not his-story] which will tell you, you have no history.  His-story will tell a Mexican, Cuban, African, Black person they are all different, when in fact we are all one in the same (original people).  Do the history [not his-story].  To my righteous brothers and sisters of the nation of Gods and Earths do the knowledge , Wisdom and Understanding, to my conscious brothers/sisters take nothing on face value nothing!  To my religious brothers/sisters know that the word religion "Religare" which means to restrain or tie back.  B-U-T if your convinced follow your way of life right and exact to the letter of your religious text, to my non-believers (Atheist) brothers/sisters if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.
       Finally to you the reader equip yourself with the tools to get the job done.  No matter how  much or little you make, have or own homicide, suicide, and mentacide is universal lets build instead of destroying.
Peace to Man, Woman, and Child

                                                                                       Peace 7 Divine All Wise Allah

Friday, January 27, 2012


Born By:  7 Divine All Wise Allah

Who & What is One Savior Cipher?
       Who is One Savior?  One Savior is a group of men, women and children, who have come to the conclusion that the street life [so called] is emphatically now cipher ( no hood).  With that being understood as a collective whole we have come together to restore our young men, women and children(old to if they listen) to their righteous state of being.  We teach Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.  We teach Freedom, Justice and Equality, We teach The righteous history of our culture.  We are not pro-black, we are not anti-white that to us is an imbalance!  B-U-T we are Pro Righteous and anti devilishness regardless to whom or what!
       One Savior Cipher started in an Ohio prison the founders are; Knowledge Sun God Allah, Divine Eye Allah, Asiatic 9 Prince Allah and Divine All Wise Allah.  Seeing young original men (Spanish, Black, Asian, Indian, Middle East) come to these prisons at alarming rates with time that is unreasonable almost for any crime with nothing on their minds b-u-t how, why and F the "Man".  None of that will allow us to grow so stepped in and tried to reconnect with our people by way of education, self respect, accountability, rebuilding self esteem ect.  Knowing it's self savior the only ones that can save us are us.
       We have given our young brothers and sisters realistic goals to reach for.  We have redefined the social, political and economic rules in our community!  And we will show and prove to be right and exact by building on self on prison to add on to civilization once released from prison recidivism is not a option for us!  Rehabilitation will be done through the knowledge of self.  Prison's wasn't made to rehabilitate we know this in the case (which is very rare) that any prison housing any man, woman, and child offers real rehabilitation (i.e computer classes, business classes, real job training ect..) we will take full advantage B-U-T still we know problem is self!  And it is Self Savior which we will do!  We Are ONE SAVIOR CIPHER.
       What is One Savior Cipher?  One Savior Cipher is a social group of men, women and children in prison and out of prison who are in tune with the times.  We are a group who will produce social equality and restore our people's love, peace and happiness.  One Savior represents people or the people of all walks of life.  One Savior Cipher is a mind state we refuse to be defined by others, we refuse to stand by and watch our community burn, our school systems burn, our social equality burn we simply refuse!  One Savior Cipher is a way of life a culture a righteous peaceful way of life!  Peace to man, woman and child

                                                                                                          7 Divine All Wise Allah
                                                                                                      I AM ONE SAVIOR CIPHER

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Wisdom is Divine

Born by: 7Divine All Wise Allah
My Wisdom is Divine

    Today's reality is Wisdom according to our math wisdom is ; wise words being spoken or to speak knowledge ( a wise -dome meaning a wise mine) and act according to it. Wisdom is water or the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the original woman because through her cipher (womb) life is continued. It is also the reflection of ones knowledge and is shown and proven by the moon being a reflection of the sun's light (knowledge). Knowledge plus the reflection of knowledge equals wisdom (1+1=2) wisdom equals moon equals original woman. This gives us a glimpse of what our woman is and should be.
    Wisdom in our alphabets is; wisdom is to speak wisely wisdom is water the substance of earthly life. Wisdom the blackwoman is like water because she is swift and changeable in her ways and actions. Again this is the attribute of our righteous women. Wisdom in ou 12 jewels is, wisdom is the original Asiatic blackwoman wisdom is also how you represent and manifest your knowledge. Wisdom is the second vibration of life or equality. Wisdom is the "Original Woman" [key word original] Original is first in order or existence, creative; inventive, the 1st form of anything, an authentic work of art. Here we realize the impact of words key words so without further delay allow me to introduce you to My Wisdom (woman)...

     "My Wisdom is Divine". Wisdom is that which shows and prove to be a manifestation of ones knowledge. Like and unlike many Gods/Earth me and my Wiz go back to the essence that triple stage of darkness she just as I God Allah was always here! We have no birth record. Life first began as a single atom [atum]. Behind the nothingness was he I God Allah rotating and building in what is called space! This was before the base of time was manifested for the original man and woman were before time itself our nation has no birth record for if one has a begging he/she has for sure a ending!! As we produced self out of not a thing (nothing) we know the original man atom [atum] at this time faced problems. Problems resulting from his own supreme creative act of producing self. Note that all creativity involves some amount of pain!  Or some amount of discomfort that higher the wisdom, the more pain anything worth value the greater the pain i.e. child birth! ( All praises due to ours Earths and the soon to be Earths)! So as the original fought to create self he also desired a companion a reflection that was of a different physical make up. The created a new set of problems the first of which originated in self.
     The other was external to himself due to his cipher being pitch black perfect darkness. So he built on self in order to change things within and outside of self. this was the first study made theologically he was God so the study of  self is theological! Through this self study he born an image of a second self. The resolution to his past problem he born her physically for she always existed mentally! This image of his second self he bestowed the attribute of womb-man (woman original woman). He God Allah conceptualized, designed and determined the manifection of he second self womb of man. She is the vehicle of the universe which all mental and physical life is born.
      His study of self motivated by the highest level of understanding ( love). She was always here for she was in him behind the triple stage of darkness. So he God Allah manifested her in the Divinely Beautiful Form we cee today!  Out of love he created her for he loved himself so she couldn't help B-U-T to love him God Allah for it was his  love that created her physical. Wisdom is water that water is the primeval ocean form which we sprang all wise and civilized. Cultivated for nine months inside a cipher of love! This is the science of life which my physical wisdom is being born to. This is the science that draws us closer with each stroke of the pen! Our history is illustrious over 76 trillion yrs of knowledging self b-u-t our last culture (4) moon ciphers (months) has been outstanding. My Wisdom [ Earth] Moon was more than 93million miles away so I couldn't born [9] my understanding [3] to her cipher [000,000]. B-U-T the sun remains and I built on self in order to bring her back into my realm of existence. Thoe when she first caught a glimpse of the Sun of man she was in owe! Only due to her receiving a weak vibration of light ( knowledge) from another "Star" [a lesser star] while out of orbit of the tru/living.
      So me being the sole controller and ruler of the universe I used my magnetic pull and picked up on her mental vibrations she was sending and drew her up like a fie mist that the 85 eye could hardly detect. as she came back to her right full state she was fa'sho off balance so my Divine eye refined her mental. And born [9] Our understanding [3] to Our cipher [000,000]. So now My Wisdom, Earth is back in her proper place! "My Wisdom is Divine" now she builds and adds on to civilization without looking for directions on a civilization map. The Earth gives life by nature just as she does.
     "My Wisdom is Divine" she speaks in the most intelligent fashion, her beauty is ... there is no words to describe her beauty she is the origin of beauty she was beauty before beauty was beautiful! Our word is bond her word is bond she knows and understands she's mother to 4billion 400million original men, woman, and children. "My Wisdom is Divine" she understands her physical features (which drives me crazy)! Is the manifestation that her God ( I 7Divine All Wise Allah ) saw fit to wrap her in and she wears this form in its highest most righteous fashion.
    Our understanding is right and exact she knows and understands her Sun will always produce a fruitful light that  will bring a higher more glorious level of understanding. Cipher means Cee-I-Power-Her and surely I 7Divine All Wise Allah do to the highest vibration the universe will allow! "My Wisdom is Divine" and when U-N-I verse nothing else even maters. "My Wisdom is Divine" and yours should be too so to my Divine Wisdom know that my every breath, movement, heartbeat is for Us U-N-I our universe One Savior= Truth. [Truth is the light to set one's mental power free] One is knowledge and Allah - Savior is short for the 19th letter self or Savior. 1+19=20 = Truth [2+0=2]. Our cipher is based on You wisdom, Truth, Light knowledge. This is for you not me you! Know your greatness you have to say I sincerely love Allah's mathematics.
            Which you have : )  again " My Wisdom is Divine".
                       Peace to Man Woman and Child
                                                               7Divine All Wise Allah

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Born by: 7Divine All Wise Allah

    " Father is the only one qualified to give life both mentally and physically. Father is to Fat-Her with the divine seed."  Once man [ The original man] realizes his worth and the true essence of his mental he can then be "Father" to his physical child[ren] and his culture! For the original man is the father of civilization. One must be conscious of how his mental impregnates all within his cipher be it mental/physical. Knowing the science of mentaisms ( being the 1st principle of the 7 hermetic principle 2. correspondence 3. vibration 4. polarity 5 .rhythm 6. cause and effect 7. gender) you know the mind is infinite the brain is finite! With the stated when a civilized man is in the company of a civilized men is the company of a civilized woman and they're exchanging righteous energy and vibrations a bond is born!
    As they grow and manifest their realities to one another (mentally) they are bringing fourth life! For it has to be a thought before any physical action can take place. so man builds with this woman mentally first before a physical thought even enters his cipher! He accumulates the fact on this wise woman, he observes her righteous ways and actions,  he learns her equality and respects her growth as the queen of her own queen -dom! In sociology a term is used called sociological imagination which means the ability to participate in social life and analyze the broader meaning the science of life which the original man/woman live defines social as to advocate a society of men ( or woman being sure we are in no way sexes here its all equality here) or group of men for one common cause."
    So as this righteous man and woman build mentally they can then become comfortable with each other to hug, kiss on check just to show and interest in one another. Now the Journey begins... Now equality can be delt man/woman has righteously sat and built on their existence and has righteously chosen for each other a physical level of understanding still before this at is done or even thought out they sit, and connect go over family ills. the germ of life (sperm) carries pro's/con's his physical history may/may not be of heart attracts, stroke, caner, high blood pressure ect. Along with his pro/con as a individual being jealous, loyal, respectful, disrespectful, et! Once man enters a woman's matrix ( def # 1 of matrix a situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops or is contained) or womb which a thing child[ren] is developed (or contained) he gives his essence his all. How he felt before he entered her and how he feels while inside her factors in during sex. Knowing this and acting on this gives us a chance to give our child[ren] the best chance.
      Yes all of this is passed to our future! Our star/understanding/original child! So when one is at a bar, club and sees a nice looking, nice shaped woman and only thinks sex and gets her pregnant your, her and that child[ren] will be forever off balance! nothing is there this is the science to life so now we can see why our so called fathers, mothers and children are so ill acting now a days! be aware of who your being a " Father to"!
         Physically both man/woman need to understand that there exist " a beast way of life" (savage) in physical contact between man/woman. If he/she isn't in tune with nature it obvious they will produce an unnatural sex life which will harm the body. Sex in its natural form draws your woman in her fullest equality you can select that fine mist that the naked eye can hardly detect! You can/will bring each other "mentally"closer through sex. you can heal the body of almost all its ill's with the "art of sex". We [men] can learn injaculation which will restore energy while ejaculation will /can drain that same energy! The wisdom/woman's womb (matrix) isn't made to run in/out now cipher emphatically! Again be aware of who your being a father to!
       To Fat-Her with the Divine seed. This is the last stage of this vibration of life before you see the fruit of you righteous physical action (sex) To Fat-Her means you were fruitful in becoming a companion/counter part first ( mentally)! So you Queen "allowed" you to enter the gates of Mecca (her womb) and for your righteous self you choose the best part! The fat is from you seed which is cultivation for 9 months fat is "Father Allah Truth"  Father is the only one qualified Allah is the sole controller, truth is the light to guide one out of darkness! Your truth [sperm cream of the planet earth] will guide your child[ren] out of darkness ( of the earth, matrix, womb) and into the light of life on the physical plane as U-N-I know it!
     The her is he/her equality ruler he/her has the ability to build or destroy equality is also the woman and to be equal in everything rule means to be ruler! So as he/her acknowledges self you/her can build on equality and rule which is your nature! Now comes the divine seed which was the 1st time you saw her you planted the righteous seed on yau'll 1st convo! How are you doing today beautiful my name is Divine and yours... Nature has taken its course. After and only after he/her has went from knowledge thru born mentally to complete they're cipher can he/she righteously copulate! Now we have love hell or right we have gone through hell far as not being caught in the "norm" of making the male and or female a sexual object of lust it was hell cause all our friends said " you weird B" don't drink, eat meat let alone pork, don't smoke " how can you have fun yo?"... Social hell B-U-T you've made it right with you knowing your duty as a civilized person! Fat-her with equality!
     So again be aware of who you being a father to! Peace to man woman and child

                                                                                          7Divine All Wise Allah

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I love my culture

Culture and freedom is the original Man, Woman and Child ways of living meaning one language wisdom and custom ways and actions. Starting with the original man knowledge and wisdom ways, its the original man duty to build a foundation around earth and under the star's to add on the knowledge wisdom and understanding to the culture. The original man energy is also in the original woman giving thru his teaching and passed on thru the blood line of man and woman giving the stars energy to glow. Culture and freedom is to continue adding on the positive energy to Allah nation. Freedom was passed on by the original man and woman love and bond for Allah's nation. Freedom is to have free-dome or to lack restraints the original mans culture is I.S.A.L.M freedom, justice, equality which is peace.

                                                                               Mr Woodson # 592-498

~The Sun Don't Speak~ (He Shines...)

       I Am, Sun of my U-N-I-Verse!
Father of light, meaning one who's productive in providing the site; Knowledge that is...  Us as Universal Saviors and Wise Elevators must have!  That we weather each storm; Cultivating Civilization b keeping our planets warm.
       Thus behold the life giver, giver of life, He who has obtained Supreme Knowledge of himself, has found the purest of pearls, superior of all wealth.
       It is I with a wise mind, can see furthest through the 3rd eye. With a clear comprehension, my all eye seeing every angle, corner and each crack... 360 degrees just to bring it right back.  I am, sun of my U-N-I-Verse, self designed to set free the mind that no planet in orbit is left dumb, deaf and blind.
       The moon is my wife, for she reflects the light, that I must show and rove once day befalls night.  So bright I shine! So gracefully and tastefully I clothe her in garments of positive energy, leaving so square inch for negative activity.
       Forever mindful that, My Wise*dome is a constant expression of my reflection that without manifestation there's no connection.
       So I, Self, Sun; Must shine to the highest of my supreme potential by 1st acknowledging my mental.  That I may then civilize the minds of the uncivilized.  
       Just me, my wisdom (woman) and the vows we share, a divine commitment, in which none compares.  You C-I-Power-her, with my divine seed of light (knowledge also the original child.) showing and proving that our love is our bond and our bond, our love.  though there are many "planets", I shall place none above.  As sun of light and father of life, only can I purify the way of supreme understanding through the precious waters of my wisdom.  So as I proceed to sharpen my mental as sharp as a pencil.
       I Now Being Father!  The only on qualified to give life both mentally and physically.  Now able to write upon the tablets of my U-N-I-Verse, leaving a clear comprehension, unlocking the doors of divine intervention.
       The guiding light (knowledge) that will illuminate the path leading the minds of our future stars throughout the vast way of darkness that carefully encompasses the galaxy (the mind).
       I, Self, Sun of my U-N-I-Verse!  Vow commitment to that which defines my purpose as sole controller.  My planets, my stars in which lies my nation.
       I, Self, Lord, and Master! inspired by the many Great Suns who lead by example.  Shining the infinite light (knowledge) long before I!
       So forever I will Re-member, He (Atom); who member ed me ( ALLAH) piece by peace from memory.  For it was he (Atom) who said "let there be light" and there I appeared (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head).  And the "Sun who don't speak been shining ever since"...   
       With that I say:  That WE ( Wise Educators) cee (and Celestial Elevators) clearly, therefore always showing and proving to be true masters of our u-n-i-verse from now till forever more...

                                                Peace to the Original Family! Man, Woman, Child; Sun, Moon,  Star...
                                                                                  Born and Inspired by One Savior Cipher
                                                                                   #7 Sincere Mathematics Allah

The Power Of Understanding

Understanding is the original child.  Life that giving thru the cipher womb of the original woman which is wisdom.  The original man is knowledge, to have wisdom you must accumulate the facts of self to be able to have wisdom.  The highest form of understanding is to love the bond between man and woman,which bring forward their understanding.  I'm the original man the sun, the reflection of my light is the original woman which is the moon.  Happy is the original man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.  The original woman is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy is the original man.  The original woman ways are pleasantness and all her paths are peace.  Knowledge plus the reflection of knowledge = wisdom.  Meaning equally by teaching others knowledge and wisdom making it understood thru understanding which is the star the original child. I the sun gives earth its seeds my energy, light and heat what bring froward life without the sun  there are no moon and stars-meaning knowedge without wisdom there's no understanding.  Knowledge is power, Power is a force or creative energy to refine is to perfect.  Th original man has to perfect his knowledge thru his wisdom so that the bond of man and woman can create positive energy to the cipher meaning a whole 360 degrees of knowledge, wisdom and unerstanding all existence pertains to a cipher.  Life can only be continued by man and woman understanding...... P.E.A.C.E TO ALLAH...
                                                                                          DeDe Mr Woodson #592-498

God " Sun" I am knowledge one who knows self in order to make anything in life manifest one must have knowledge of self " once one has gained knowledge of self the keys to all doors in life follow" Knowledge + the reflection of knowledge = wisdom " I shine she shine"  Wisdom, Moon, earths, Woman, is a reflection to the Suns light I am knowledge + wisdom Born's understanding " The Star" the original child our future Lord just i ce Atum Ba Allah I am the original man Peace God
                                 2012 D.Adams # 395-935

Appreciation to all Moon, Wisdom's, Earths, because thru ya'll life is continued i will always knowledge my wisdom and others wisdom's as will respect is everything Culture/freedom Culture freedom Born's builds/destroy always.
                                                        Lord Just I Ce  Atum Ba
                                                          Allah I am the original man
                                                              Peace God 2012 D Adams # 395-935

Going to meet the Wizard

      Thee manifestation of today wad born out of and exchange of wisdom's with # 7 Infinite Oincere and he advised I further my intelligence Y.E.T master my understanding of such a familiar topic!
       So lets begin with the title:
            'The Wizard of Oz,' Now in this title you have two words which further the purpose of this build, the first being 'Wizard'.

      Wizard Breaks down and builds into - wis(e)+ard- Wise in this form means: adept, skilled learned or having sound judgement, sensible; Ard means: Being the so from wisdoming my knowledge I born:- Being the wiser
      So the question is 'Being the Wiser' of what? Which brings power to the second word. 'Oz' a Greek word meaning strength.
       So as the light shines so does the understanding of : 'Being the wiser of strength.'

In the Supreme Alphabet the ideal shows and proves as follows:

T. H. E    W. I .Z. A. R .D    O. F   O. Z.
r   e   q      i   s   i   l    u   e     c   a    c   i
u   o   u     s   l   g   l    l   v      i    t     i   g
t    r   a     d   a      a    e  i      p   h    p
h   h   l      o   m     h    r  n     h    e    h
     e   i      m                   e     e    r    e
     r   t                                   r          r       

            All this Born's to the truth of He or Hers equality is wise-doming one self through knowledging wisdoming and understanding that to know one self makes me ruler of my divinity.
            The cipher of this understanding fathers the cipher of knowing our wisdom in order to bring about understanding to the equality of he or hers square.

           The title contains 13 letters in totality all being Born to Culture/Freedom which is ones way of living meaning one's language (wisdom) and customs ( ways and actions). So in knowledging ones understanding freedom is to have a free-dome or to lack restraint.
           This shows and proves that the original mans culture of freedom justice equality which is Peace (Islam) is the strength which makes He or Her the wiser or Master of His or Her Cipher!
                      13th letter is M= Master!

                                                                   GOD NAFU ALLAH
                                            -I am One Savior Cipher-

Born to Reach Birth

Rightfully so my name is Lord True Born Zig El Allah. I m a newborn to the (N.G.E) within the One Savior Cipher.  T.R.U.E= T is truth meaning with proper knowledge I am to lead and deliver oneself as well as others out of darkness by bringing forth the light which is to either love hell or live right.
R is Rule and by law of mathematics the black man was not make to be ruled there for being ruler is m natural birth right over all in existence. U is oneself knowing by positive ways and thoughts my universe rewards me a glorious level of understanding. E is dealing equality to my universe which is everything is one being equal teaching others my knowledge and wisdom making everything understood thru my understanding. Born is to be G.O.D in all essence and understanding which is proven my my application in my universe. Zig is knowledge, wisdom and understanding which is the completion of oneself and my universe through infinite growth. El  is my center of wisdom or gravity law of attraction education and exercising oneself and any universe of G.O.D having power of the human mind. Allah is me ( arm leg leg arm head) who is the original  1 sincerely Love Allahs Mathamatics is culture freedom justice and equality.

                                                                                          Lord  True Born Zig El Allah


Nafu-ism- is philosophical scientific approach to freedom through breathing, spiritually mentally and physically.

Nafu is a kinetic word meaning freedom or to breath.
        Do the wise words I declare are born at the hour of life and freedom for its principled to acquire and mindful of ones free-dome.

       Lack of oxygen to ones brain hinders ones ability to think or reflect a clear mental comprehension. Its not wise to be re-active because reactions are motivated by emotional impulses if in the negative are destructive to the culture of ones knowledge and understanding.
       The wise are proactive meaning one gives oneself and all he or her represent the time and respect to think by calming such emotional impulses so a clear mental comprehension can be established in order to be efficacious in ones words, ways and actions.
       The ability to remain calm in the midst of madness is linked directly to the science of breathing; the harder and more forceful one breathes the more in line they are to savagery, animalistic, intent and aggressive output as well as clouded judgement because the capacity of being emotional is non existent due to the fat that the air which sustains is redirected to fuel the output or task of the physical element.
        So to be calm and decisive as well as free and in tune with oneself resides int he science of breath besides all in existence breathes, yet as human beings it's the how the separates us from the savage ways of an uncivilized animal.

         In the degree of potential being fulfilled we ask ourselves, am I strong enough?

A moment of pondering of bestowed....
         A humble pride then settles as the fiery direction of purpose is unsheathed to reveal the answer of vigilant diligence.

                                                                                      N.A.F.U  ALLAH

Words of wisdom from the newborn

Wisdom is gained by knowing self. To know self you have to have the knowledge of self by knowing whats best for self. Started with the basic how to speak, walk, observe, learn, respect self to be able to give respect, to have wisdom is to put the energy of self to work by adding on positive energy to help build or started a Foundation and build around it and only self an destroy it by stop adding on to it cipher. What self puts  in  is what self gong to get out. I'm the sun in the solar system my wisdom is the golden reflection from the sun light my understanding is the stars around my foundation  meaning self have to move right by observing. Its my heat from my energy the light that I give that my wisdom will reflect, that will bring forward my understanding. Wisdom is knowing the truth to know the truth you have knowledge the truth by wanting to know the truth... P.E.A.C.

                                                                                                                             Darren Woodson 592-498