Monday, March 26, 2012

Today represents (26), z the 26 letter int he alphabet... Zig Zag Zig... Man Woman Child... knowledge wisdom understanding...The completion of your cipher (Universe)...
Showing that you have the ability to make what you n=know understood thru you own understanding allows one to elevate their actions. We must learn not separate people form our own social quality ( our selves an how we live). In order for one to gain a full understanding of the change and refinement that is taught it must be shown be shown is that the lessons easy to comprehend and be utilized.

Asiatic Prince


Wisdom is wise words being spoken or to speak knowledge (wise dome meaning wise mind) and act according to it. " To be wise is to use knowledge well" using he knowledge you have in everyday life doing things not right but right and exact and letting that knowledge be shown by your actions and ways
Wisdom is water or the vital building block of life. One an not live without water just as one can not live without wisdom. The Earth, our bodies are mostly made up of water we could not survive without either.
Wisdom is the original woman because thru her cipher (womb) life is continued. Wisdom is passed to the child (star) thru the mother ( Earth, Original Woman). Women are the only ones to be able to bring that star life. Women protect and nurture the children with their ways and actions.
It is also a reflection of ones knowledge and is shown and proven by the Moon being a reflection of the suns light (knowledge).  Knowledge is the reflection of light given off by the sun (Original Man). He gives knowledge to his Wisdom. She is a reflection of him. She represents the Sun.
Knowledge plus the reflection of knowledge = wisdom (1+1=2) Wisdom =Moon= Original Woman.

Peace Queen Cee Medina

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thoughtful Father

Father is the only person qualified to give life both mentally and physically boning all in existence (G.O.D) be means to exist such living. To born means to bring into existence both physically and mentally, just as it takes 9 months to b ring a child into the works c, it takes 9 stages to sought mentally from knowledge though born in order to help you cee and serve your purpose of life.Cee means to understand clearly (fathom) through the 3rd eye which is the mind. Your two physical eves in such a physical form or face is only serviced to be as doorways to your mental form of 3rd eve, (the mind) when utilizing these window of  life to your advantage, you are making knowledge born through what is called the All-eyes-Ceeing. The father is a thought within the thoughts of life in itself (mental seeds) of non-gender used as pro tools to form life physically in itself  God created man in his image therefore the New Born is a man with on memory born to build and continue all life form on the planet Earth. The father is the divine being living in accordance to purenessor nature. The father builds by educating himself having the lack of restraints by non-blindness, deafness or dumbness physically or mentally. The father serves as the highest form of intellect therefor is the teacher to mature and peoples fullest potential. The father by thought teaches knowledge an by act shows wisdom proving by result a understanding of life. The father knowledge his Wisdom in such reflection of himself or his womanly teacher. The father Born's the truth which is the light and true power needed to guide (ones)  people out of darkness and leading a productive life of all shades and forms. By teaching the facts you are allowing freedom, justice, equality to be admitted all over the planet Earth. The father is the Asiatic black man with knowledge of  himself existing as the fat being the first of all fathers (sons of man) master of his planet Earth for he is the original and Supreme Being ruler an father of all life forms, cultures or civilizations.

Peace Lord True Born
Today represents Wisdom and Power/Refinement! Wisdom is wise words spoken or to speak knowledge. A wise mind meaning a wise dome and acting according to it.Wisdom is also the black woman who is a vital building block to life because thru womb life is continued physically, her intelligence and values is what gives life mentally.
Power is force or creative energy... refinement is to strive for perfection within  side self.

Asiatic Prince

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The weight of our planet Earth is 6, sextillion tons a unit followed by 21 cipher (meaning 10 to the 21st ower in algrebra) .. Once one has knowledge of self and the various truths of his works has been mastered. We carry the wight of he wold, to teach humanity what we know and understand (the keys to being civil, rightiousness and the science to all things in life . Love peace and happiness)... Our duty once we take the oath that here is no mystery God only the Sun of Man !!

                     Asiatic Prince

The 5 Pillars-( 'Power' Principles)

By: 7Divine All Wise Allah

     A man, woman or child o the Islamic Monotheism Faith is held under the 5 pillars of Islam. The Five pillars                          are 1) Iman-faith 2)Salaat prayer 3) Zakat-charity 4) Saum-fasting 5) Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca.

Being a citizen of the Almighty Nation of Gods and Earth I would like to apply our way of thinking to the "5 Pillars" in order to show/prove that these very basic principles apply to all members of the NGE. The 1st principle/pillar is Iman ( or faith in English). Faith as defined by Webster: 1) confident belied or trust in a person, idea or thing 2) loyalty allegiance 3) often faith "Christianity" secure belief in God and acceptance of Gods will 4) a religion. Now being that faith is one, its only right to go over the #1 principle/pillar in our community which is Knowledge. Knowledge is the accumulation of fact thru observing, learning and respecting. Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence for it must be known in order to make it manifest. Knowledge is the light given off by our Sun which is the foundation of our solar system. Also the Original Man whom is the foundation of Allah's family. Knowledge =Sun =Original Man. With that lets look at Iman/faith. to have belief or trust in a person. The word 'belief' is a noun it means to accept as true, a opinion or conviction. Nothing about belief is solid! Faith is stated as to have faith in Allah as a Supreme Being that is unseen! The Nation of Gods and Earths do not follow and Iman/faith system of anything unseen! B-U-T  we so not, will not disrespect anybody who does. Our 1st pillar is knowledge (to know the ledge) as stated above...Knowledge is the foundation... it must be known in order to make it manifest. If one can not see something it can not and will not manifest [Allah as defined by the Nation of gods and Earths: Allah is the Supreme Being Blackman form Asia the solo controller and ruler of the universe. Allah is the Blackman with knowledge of self, to know self is to know all in existence. Allah is Arm Leg Leg Arm Head ( A.L.L.A.H) but Allah is not used as in the word Islam] The NGE is a school of thought rooted in Arcane teaching and one of the only spiritual text that puts a face on G.O.D/Devil. Our Iman/faith is based on actual facts of math/science "For it must be known i order to make it manifest." If one cant use his or her 5 senses to describe a thing then it does not exist.  No matter how you articulate it if you can t see, taste, touch, hear or smell a thing ( in this case God/ Allah) then it does not exits Period! We members of the NGE know God /Allah exit we Cee him daily our first pillars is knowledge obtaining facts 1+1= 2 anywhere in the universe. You need no faith we 'Know' . #2 ) Salaat- prayer. Prayer as defined by Webster; 1) To address a prayer to a deity 2) An act of praying  3) A specially worded form of praying 4) Prayers a religious observation which praying predominates 5) A fervent request 6) Slightest chance or hope.So Salaat/prayer is the 2nd principle/pillar of Islam. Wisdom is the 2nd pillar/principle of the NGE. Wisdom is wise words being spoken or to speak knowledge ( a wide-dome meaning a wise mind) and act according to it. Wisdom is water or the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the Original Woman because thru her cipher (womb) life is continue, It is also the reflection of one knowledge and is shown and proven my the moon being a reflection of the suns light(knowledge) Knowledge + the reflection of knowledge =wisdom 1+1=2. Wisdom =moon =Original Woman. Prayer as I 7 Divine All Wise Allah cee it is life! #3 of Websters definitions is "a specially worded" form... Words key here. Wisdom is wise "words" being spoken...Also act according to it! Also key (from #2 in supreme mathematics) that is whats missing form the above the act of being civil in your ways & actions one can pray for rain... then cry about the mud, one can pray for good health the right after prayer go drink and smoke! The fact remains most praying people don't "act accordingly" to that which they pray for! think about faith (Iman) and prayer (salaat) in the context; our ancestors dealt in reality with vibration (prayer) not advocating salvation will come form a 'Mystery God' ! B-U-T the power of words! (wisdom 2 pillar/principle of the NGE) they know the frequencies of hat which you uttered. All things are made to manifest (faith/#1 in NGE knowledge) with prayer (wisdom/words) regardless to whom or what. #3) Zakat-charity (2% of your yearly income). Charity as defined by Websters 1) help or relief given to the poor 2) an organization or fund that helps the needy 3) benevolence towards others 4) forbearance in judging others. #3 in the NGE is understanding - is that which shows and proves the completion of knowledge and wisdom man woman and child. Understanding is a clear mental comprehension . It is the original child which is the star. The highest form of understanding is love, the bond between man and woman or knowledge and wisdom. Understanding =star-original child. Looking at the 3rd pillar/principle we have a ray of light. Just as understanding states "The highest form of understanding is love the bond between man and woman... charity/zakat is that which is given out of love (for the most part). You give you woman you all every time no matter what (or you should). "Help or relief given to the poor." We are poor- righteous- teachers poor of what you may ask; poor of being 'a savage pursuing happiness, poor of ignorance, poor of greed ect. We (the NGE) are in the slums by choice with the financially poor people giving back giving back what you may ask; giving back a sence of pride, giving aback knowledge of who we are to uplift our people out of the 'poor state of mind' we are in. Freeing our people of the mental death! Bringing that clear mental comprehension. The 4th pillar is saum/fasting. Fast[ing] defined by Webster is to abstain form food, esp as a religious discipline. The act or a period of abstention form food. In the religion of Islam they (Moslems/Muslims) fast during the month or Ramadan. The NGE/NOI/Moorish Science Temple may/may not fast with the rest of the Islamic world by choice. The NGE goes thru a different fast. Ramadan fasting is no food or drink when the first 'prayer' is done which is Fajr until the last prayer or 2nd to last prayer ( of the 5 prayers that are 'MANDATORY' for all able body Muslims man woman child) which is Maghrib. Ramadan is not no eating from sun up to sun down as many people think! Is not eating or drinking from Fajr which this yer Ramadan starts in July so Fajr is around the 4:30am hour to Maghrib prayer which will be around the 8:40-8:50ish pm hour! The NGE fast for 3 days no solids at all! So Ramadan no eating/drinking for at least 16-17 hours (in the summer month) ans the NGE no solids at all for 3 days. Many of us do both only the true and sincere does this. Also you must be prepared and conditioned to fast ! In Islam woman are not permitted to fast due to they menstrual cycle. The NGE woman do fast. Also there is 72 different sect of Islam as a religion. They all my differ in ethics. Saum/fasting is #4 in the NGE 4th pillar/principle is Culture or freedom culture is ones way of living meaning language (wisdom) and customs ( ways an actions). Freedom is to have a free dome or to lack  restraints the Original mans culture is Islam freedom , justice and equality which is peace. Fasting brings #4 is a part of Islamic "culture"  mathematics of NGE... customs (ways/actions)... Its 'custom' to fast during Ramadan ( the holly month the 9th month on the Islamic calender). Its custom to fast for the said 3 days of the NGE. "This is ones way of living"  rather its the religion of Islam or the culture of Islam as articulated by the NGE. Lastly the 5th pillar/principle is Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca. The 5th pillar /principle in the NGE is power or refinement. Power is force or creative energy. To refine is to prefect. Power is the truth which is Allah's mathematics. To knowledge the culture of Islam is to have power. Here Mecca is in Arabia which is a city of W.Saudi Arabia near the coast of he Red Sea: Birth place of Muhammad as defined by Webster Mecca is a 'holy city' where the Islamic world unites for on common cause. In the NGE 'Mecca' is symbolic to the mind. It is where all thing are 'holy' to our liking! "Holy is something hat has not been mixed, diluted,or tampered within any form" (cee 9degree 1-14). The mind is infinite the 'brain' can be measured [6oz. of brain (devil 71/2 oz of brain) original man cee ( 32degree 1-40) ]. Mecca is the place we all strive to be Mecca is that 360 of knowledge wisdom and understanding. This is the 5 pillars/principles of Monotheism Islamic Faith [ 1) Iman-faith 2)Salaat prayer 3) Zakat-charity 4) Saum-fasting 5) Hajj-pilgrimage ] The 5 pillars/principles of  The Nation of Gods and Earths [1)Knowledge 2) Wisdom 3) Understanding 4) Culture/ Freedom 5) Power/ Refinement]. This is to sho/prove that yes we are emphatically not some in thought B-U-T still once you observe, learn and respect (1degree NGE) you'll find what is alike more than what UN-alike!  With that is we don't unite we have not a chance for any 'social equality' (8 degree 1-14)
Peace to man, woman, and child... The 5 pillars (Power principles)
                                                             7Divine All Wise Allah
                                                                      One Savior
The 5 pillars/principles of the NGE is take form the first 5 of the Supreme Mathematics

Refine Self

Born is the completion of all in existence to manifest from knowledge to born which is the law of mathematics to be complete in itself. My understanding tells me to be real with self first and step in to the light to be born again by knowing that it take nine stages from knowledge thru born to be born thru Allah's mathematics. You have to have a clear understanding of self to cee clearly through the 3rd eye which is the mind I sincerely love myself and know whats best for self by having respect for Allah's nation.

D. Woodson #592-498 De.De

Knowledge is Power

Who are you? What is our duty as the original people? We have to build our foundation by helping each other learn how to read, write to be able to do the math and science. We have to put our energy together to be one strong force of energy to rule the land.
Knowledge is to know yourself by observing an evaluaeing the mentality of self to be able to add on positive energy to Allah's nation. You have to show and prove on the knowledge of math to see your light reflect on your cipher.
Knowledge you wisdom is speaking wise words by having a wise dome you have to be pure to distroy all negativity You have to know all existence and be able to deal equality to one understanding not everyone has the knowledge of self to be able to understand what is going on around self.
My duty is to teach others on there base of understanding by having love and respect for all existence by starting with the one which is self. Knowledge the culture by learning your history. Culture is one ways of living meaning one language wisdom and custom way and actions. Have the free dome to add on you energy to what are people lost there lives for to open up doors for us as the original people. Islam freedom, justice equality which is peace..
Power is the truth which is Allah's mathematics to knowledge our culture, knowledge self by not allowing the negativity out wight the positive.

Knowledge, knowledge
    D. Woodson #592-498 De.De

Monday, March 5, 2012

Peace World! Today represents Power/Refinement (5th degree of 10 life principles); Power is a force or creative energy. To refine is to perfect. To knowledge the culture of  ISLAM & ALLAH'S Mathematics is to have power! To know something beneficial to life is power or a force. Born Universal Truth (but), the nature in which one uses their knowledge or the mentalities influenced by ones divine actions and thoughts is creative energy... Our creative energy is displayed thru how well we understand our lessons and the principles hat lead us to self victory! As we continue daily to purify our heart and minds from the devil's poison ( ignorance, & selfishness)...
                                                                  Peace & One Love (U & My Nation)
                                                                                        Asiatic Prince

Consciously Making The Decision to Make Ones Self Better Is Growth! - Wisdom Puts An End To Pain-

        In my previous build I spoke about the break down of the Wizard of Oz and how it interprets into bring the wiser of (ones) strength and how to knowledge of self ( Islam) and defining such and re-defining is the honest fruit of ones existence.
         So follow me upon this yellow brick road. The color yellow is associated with the planet Mercury which is associated with the mind governing the think-ing processing or constructing faculties on a mental level. So the following  of the yellow brick road  implies the mental building blocks of ones mind leads to the wisdom of ones strength! So the question is what constitutes your mental building blocks, whether digressive or progressive, destructive or constructive is key!
      Now upon this path (yellow Brick Road)  were 4 tenets embodied in the characters of Dorthy (Desire)  Scarecrow (Intellect) Tin-Man (Heart) Lion (courage), which declares that the effective usage of ones desire , intellect, heart, courage constitute the wisdom of ones strength form a conscientious view of course.
     These same 4 tenets are associated with the 4 fired signs of astrology starting with Scorpio then Aquarius followed by Taurus then Leo. So the understanding of the Oz in an astrological sense refers to the characteristics of these 4 signs whom are the facilitator of the Zodiac. So if one prefers to be the best within self they must learn to facilitate effectively progressively those thoughts which determines the outcome of ones existence or manifestation(s). Because the mental building blocks (thoughts) of ones mind leads to the wisdom of ones strength!
                                                     So what your yellow brick road?

Knowledge/ born =borns= Knowledge/Cipher

My manifestation on todays math is knowing self getting a clear understanding on who I am and whats my position in life from the inside out, me being , exist The Original Black man, father of civilization, representing the one, knowledge, I gained the knowledge of self and others around self.
To manifest form knowledge to born shows greatness, completion of everything one has gained mentally, elevations a must, knowledge, born, borns, knowledge cipher, knowledge you cipher 360 of knowledge, wisdom, understanding man, woman, child

Lord Just I Cee

Knwoledge, Build/Destroy

My manifestation on todays math is first knowledge self/know self /know that I am G.O.D. The Supreme Being, The most high, The seven, The light, I shine she shine, understand my knowledge God, Sun , I am accumulating , to gather, Pile up, stack facts is what needed, learning to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of thought experience or study, to become formed.

Build always, one must elevate mentally, remember we have no ceilings, top, there's no limit on how hight we can go, nothing but positive energy is needed, God, shine Sun, let your light shine on your wisdom, understanding, and others as well

Destroy, never will, allow the negativity to out weight that positive, that + , that math

                                                   Knowledge/ Build, Destroy Borns
That nine, to exist, being into existence, completion to manifest from knowledge to born shows, completion know you power, God, Sun, knowledge, that the law of mathematics to be complete in it self

Just I Ce , U N I Verse
Lord Justice Atum Ba Allah

TextBook Message II

The only thing considered to be all the way grown or even perfect is said: death. We should with every breath of life strive for perfection by continuously learning things therefore your growing and building your intelligence to be wise. By teaching others knowledge and wisdom you are dealing self as well as others around self equality, it is so many requirements needed to have q healthy life and we must not let mistakes hinder us form becoming a overall better person because messing up is definitely a big part of life. (Necessity to learn and grow ) We should turn it into a positive lesson , accepting that mistakes with will happen and we are going to prepare ourselves on not letting them happen to us again by being mindful. There would be on one without the other like positive to negative, good to bad exist in everybody as well as all in existence. By power of the human mind and freedom of will you can control the expectancy of what you attract based on how you live. If you think negative then your actions will weight out being negative therefor you will burden self and others you interact with. By always thinking positive, you will put forth positive therefor always attract more higher and glorious results within the universe there is a reward or punishment depending on his or her ways and action so you should learn what energies you create upon self because all things are make up of atoms therefore carrying vibration that the necked eye cannot detect. Love over powers hate by twos when you delivering that positive you are building self, others respecting nature. Nature is pure therefore Anti-Evil so if you hating then you are ruining the universe will destroy you. You can be either stimulating which is positively building or draining which is negatively destroying. We should watch our ways, actions and who we hang around because we can very easily extend ourselves the wrong way by bad decisions. Born Universal Truth you cannot be a asset to others until you have gained the knowledge of self. Who are you because the only one can save self is yourself. As all things do this information comes with a on-going process of education because nothing stays the same, nobody is grown or perfect having all the answers. Life takes constant refinement and cleanse form negative ways your cannot correct without being conscious of flaws therefore you should learn what needed to build yourself up (progress) striving to be positive all the way to the things you consume food, drinks, etc. You are what you eat! You gotta take in pure healthy diets best you can and avoid medicines, tobacco, alcohol and drugs because these substances all contain poison! Your body is temple do not be ignorant to the stuff that will harm you from not being your true selves to not eating right, sleeping right will stop you from actually living right. If you aint paying attention you can very easily be forfeiting life so how do you feel after these messages... I love y'all
Take care of yourselves.
Lord True Born Zig El Allah